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Hemens Lawritsen Valuation Group provides information on this website for general purposes only. It is neither intended as, nor should it be considered legal or financial advice. Neither the use of any such information, nor the transmission of materials or information to Hemens Lawritsen Valuation Group be e-mail or otherwise, will establish an advisor-client, contractual or other relationship between Hemens Lawritsen Valuation group and the user or sender.

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Please understand that you are using the site at your own risk. Hemens Lawritsen Valuation Group does not make any representations regarding the accuracy or reliability of information on this site.

Hemens Lawritsen Valuation Group shall not be liable for any damages related to the use or inability to use this site, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, special compensatory or consequential damages, lost profits or loss of or damage to property.

Any relationship between Hemens Lawritsen Valuation Group, or any of its affiliates, and the client will be clearly defined in an engagement letter, negotiated at the time service is provided.

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These terms and conditions and the use of this website shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta and the laws of Canada applicable in the Province of Alberta. Anyone accessing this website from other jurisdictions assumes sole responsibility for compliance with local law.